Jardim das Borboletas

Você já ouviu falar em crianças borboletas? E de crianças que nascem com Epidermólise bolhosa (EB)? Com uma comparação da fragilidade de sua pele com a sensibilidade das asas de uma borboleta, as crianças que nascem com EB são carinhosamente chamadas de borboletas. Para ter um mínimo de qualidade de vida, os pacientes precisam de

Retratos de Esperança

One of the most suffered regions in Brazil. Entire families in extreme poverty. Without any assistance, they survive on leftovers, and the great majority of them suffer from hunger and hopelessness. Through photographs this sad reality can begin to take a new direction. A book, composed of 84 photographs recorded between 2010 and 2017 became

Sapatinhos que crescem?

O sul da ilha de Madagascar vive uma das piores crises humanitárias do planeta. No contato frequente com o chão, ao longo de anos, as crianças ficam com os pezinhos muito machucados. Pensando nisso, voluntários da Fraternidade sem Fronteiras do Canadá iniciaram uma campanha de arrecadação por uma invenção inteligente e muito útil: o sapato
Padrinhos e madrinhas da causa da Fraternidade sem Fronteiras se reuniram na noite dessa sexta-feira (15) na sede da ONG em Campo Grande/MS, para falar e ouvir sobre o movimento que vem ganhando novos corações a cada dia. Novos projetos foram apresentados pelo presidente da FSF Wagner Moura, dúvidas foram sanadas e muito amor  emanou
“I feel glad to be part of this chain of love. I remember the teachings from Jesus expressed by the parable of the Samaritan that reflects exactly the activities and the proposal of experiencing fraternity without any borders, geographical, religious, gender-related, social or racial. I sometimes feel like that person who reaches out to those
“I feel happy to be part of this chain of love. I am reminded of Jesus’ teachings expressed in the parable of the Samaritan, which accurately reflects the activities and proposal of the experience of fraternity without any boundaries, geographical, religious, sexual, social or racial. Sometimes I feel like the one who reaches out to
“This humanitarian feeling that Fraternity offers is what touches us the most. It’s an act of love, not a sociological act, it’s not an activity for saving from hunger, it’s an activity for dignifying human creatures through example.”. We are very grateful for Divaldo Franco’s presence in Fraternity Without Border’s movement. Master in the art
“This feeling of humanity which the Fraternity offers is what touches us the most.It is an act of love, it is not a sociological act, it is not an activity to save from hunger, it is an activity to dignify human beings through examples”. Divaldo Franco is that grateful presence in the Fraternity without Borders
“FWB has no ideological, social, religious or geographical borders and I think that is extraordinary. Where is Fraternity Without Borders at? They are where people require, where there is need. And that fascinated me since the beginning and that’s why I got involved, I felt my heart tied to this ideal.” Sister Aíla Pinheiro has
“FWB has no ideological, social, religious or geographical boundaries and I think that’s an extraordinary thing. Where is Fraternity without Borders? Where people need it, where there is a need. And that enchanted me from the beginning and so I got involved, I felt my heart attached to that ideal.” Sister Aíla Pinheiro saw her