Clarissa Pereira da Paz walked a long path of knowledge to reach the refugee center in Malawi. The trajectory of connection and love could well turn into a movie, but for this to happen an important piece of the story was missing: you. The scene is a camp built 24 years ago that began with

Portraits of hope

Devastated By The Drought One of the most suffering regions of Brazil. Whole families in extreme poverty. Without any assistance, they survive on leftovers, and most of them live hungry as well as hopeless. Through photographs this sad reality can begin to take a new direction. A book, composed of 84 photographs registered between 2010
Some choices we make during our lives are not really choices, they are missions entrusted to us and we cannot turn our backs or close our eyes. Aline Teixeira da Silva knows this very well since the day she met the first child with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). Natalia, a four-year-old girl, suffered from the consequences
To overcome one of the greatest social challenges of our time, drug addiction, the NGO Fraternity without Borders and “Clínica da Alma MS” teamed up and launched on Wednesday (25) last week a new project. It aims to host, treat and reintegrate people who suffer from drug addiction. The Fraternity On the Street will be
Se você acompanha um pouquinho o projeto Microcefalia, amor sem dimensões, já ouviu falar na história da menina Catarina Maria. A criança que inspirou a Dra. Adriana Mello a pesquisar sobre a microcefalia e descobrir assim a ligação entre a doença e o zika vírus, tem ganhado os corações por onde passa por razões óbvias: